I FINALLY managed to have my full Bruce Lee Training Day, which means—Body Balance AND Body Combat!

André greeted us in his usual cheerful way, and we began.

Warm-up done, we moved on to the Sun Salutations. In this track, I’m practicing sliding into the up-dog pose. Go down slowly and then slide…😏 I’ll get there!

I loved the next track. The Triangle Pose and the Sun Warrior are two stunning postures, and André performs them beautifully.

My balance today? Let’s just say the wind wasn’t on my side. 😅 So… yeah… let’s not talk about it…😒😂

The hip openers and flexibility tracks always make my day. They fix a LOT of things. 👌🏾

Now, let’s all get into a comfortable position… 😏 Have I told you what the Body Balance magic phrase is? Already? Ok, then… 😅😁

I’m talking about that wonderful track—Relaxation/Meditation ❤️. The moment I enter heaven. 🙌🏾

Today, André took us on a wonderful journey to reconnect with our bodies, allowing us to feel our hearts and let the Universe’s energy flow through us. That connection helps us be ourselves and break free from our limiting beliefs.

😊 The contentment on people’s faces after this class is truly enchanting. ✨

Body Combat! This was my first Body Combat class of 2025, and WOW—what a workout André gave us! 🥵

I have three facial expressions during this class:

⭐️ Smiling – I’m always so happy… and laughing at my own moves. 😁😂
⭐️ With a question mark – When I’m trying to figure out the exercises… and wondering why my movements differ so much from André’s. 🤨😅
⭐️ Suffering (with a question mark) – When I’m thinking, “How can jabs be this hard?!” 😅 And those kicks… jeez…you can really go down if you don’t pay attention.😂

André was in such a great mood 🤩 (which, to be fair, happens all the time 👌🏾)! He danced and even gave us a chance to dance too 🤩. He brought us Bollywood, Balboa defensive movements (I pay attention 😁), an EXPLOSIVE WORKOUT, sharp technical explanations, and a SUPER FUN atmosphere.

The full-house class was so hyped that we even clapped along, turning it into a party! 🎉

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Body Balance & Body Combat experience with André Godinho

And to answer André’s question:

My Bruce Lee Training Day was FANTASTIC! 👌🏾🤩

Body Balance & Body Combat experience with André Godinho

Have you ever tried Body Balance? What about Body Combat? Let me know your experience in the comments or connect with me on Instagram!

Body Balance & Body Combat experience with André Godinho