Soon we’ll start a new academic year. Therefore, time for organization.
In addition to the Homeschool Planner, we’ll need another very important tool: the Portfolio. It’s through it that the school is able to evaluate the student’s work throughout the year.
Last year I used the digital and non digital portfolio. The binders were used to store the worksheets, and the digital portfolio was used to organize everything and send it to school. Three binders were needed, plus a big file to store the art work.
I organize my portfolios this way:
In the binder we have:
- Student information
- School information
- Calendar
- Subjects
- Assessment
For the art work, I made a big file to store it. It worked very well last year.
Some schools want to see every single work the student does. Others prefer to see some of it. It’s important to store every work and take a picture of each one. Be it on textbooks or worksheets, register everything. Just because you never know what the teacher will ask and because if something happens with the physical work, you have it in digital format.
It’s always best to frequently take pictures, preferably every week or 2 weeks. Otherwise, it will accumulate and make it more difficult to keep up with the student’s work. Time goes by very quickly, and before you know it it’s the end of the trimester or semester and you still have everything to register and send. I say it because it happened to me and it’s not fun.
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