Do people know that lemon is almost a natural antibiotic? The health benefits are so many that it should be more talked about.
When I have a cold, or the beginning of the flu, the first thing I do is to drink a concentrated lemon juice before sleep. Normally, the next day I am fine. If it’s still not enough, I repeat it and add lemon tea. Not from the supermarket. I just add the lemon skin to boiling water and it works perfectly.
We are from Africa. Medication is not easy to find there. People must find other alternatives. So, they go for the natural ones.
When the pandemic began, one of the first information we shared between us was to drink lemon juice, and to gargle every morning with lemon water (lemon mixed with water). The theory was if we attack the virus when it is still in our throat the problem would solved. If it’s true or not, a lot of people I know did it and were not sick, even being covid-19 positive. We would not just take paracetamol and wait to see if it got worse enough to go to hospital. And, to be honest, besides the vaccines, not much has changed.

Let’s talk about lemon and its benefits.
Lemon is an edible fruit. I use it mainly in juices, for seasoning fish, meat and poultry. It can also be used in many pastries and desserts, teas, etc.
Here are some health benefits of lemon:
1. Weight loss
Lemon water can help you lose weight. Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, it promotes good digestion, detoxifies the body with its diuretic properties and boosts your metabolism.
2. Prevents constipation
Being rich in fiber, lemon helps stimulate the intestine. Drinking lemon juice with warm water after fasting can have a great effect.
3. Protects against infections
Lemon has antifungal and antibacterial properties that help fight diseases such as flu and colds.

4. Improves skin appearance
Because it is rich in vitamin C, regular consumption of lemon promotes tissue regeneration and collagen formation, which is a structure that gives firmness and elasticity to the skin. It can also prevent premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles.
5. Decreases blood pressure
Lemon could help regulate blood pressure, relaxing blood vessels and thus improving blood flow. In addition, vitamin C has also been linked with a decrease in blood pressure.
6. Prevents anemia
Lemon helps prevent anemia because it contains vitamin C, which favors the absorption of iron from the intestine, especially iron from plants.
These are just some of the many health benefits of lemon. I like the acid taste, is versatile and useful is many ways.
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