Another Thursday, another Body Balance class! I love it so much – I could do it every day. 😊
Today’s class was taught by Rita Calaz, and… I FINALLY managed to film her in action! 🎥
🔥 The warm-up felt AMAZING for my neck! WOW! It included some really good stretches. 👌🏾
🌞 The Sun Salutations were especially exciting because I decided that I want to transition into Upward-Facing Dog without my thighs touching the floor. It’s going to take some time… I know 😒, but that’s why I go to the classes – to practice! 😁
💪🏾 Then came the strength track… and the warriors. 😏 I must confess something: I wait for this track just to see Rita’s Warrior 2. 😊 That’s how impressed I am! And the best part? I caught it on video!
She is simply amazing – her legs didn’t move… like… AT ALL! 👌🏾🤩 But don’t take my word for it… check the videos! 🙌🏾
⚖️ As usual, I loved the Balance track! Today, my bird didn’t fly… He decided it wasn’t a good day to fall 😁, so he just ventured one foot at a time. 😏
The funny thing? Rita’s star pose was so good that I lost my balance while filming! I was just so mesmerized following her movement… Mind you, I was standing straight! 😂
🧘🏾♀️The hip openers were blissful, but nothing beat the twists today. Why? Because I finally managed to spiral twist to the right! Which means… I’M BACK, BABY! Next week, I’ll be training at full force. FINALLY! 💪🏾🔥
🙏🏾 After flexibility, we moved into meditation – my favorite part. 😊 Once we settled into a comfortable position, Rita guided us into relaxation. Her focus today? AUTHENTICITY. We are all human – the same, yet different. That’s why it’s so important to accept and embrace our true selves. 🙌🏾

Another incredible Body Balance class with Rita Calaz. Today, she shared a simple yet powerful secret: breathing. The right breath at the right moment made every stretch deeper, every transition smoother, and every posture more controlled. 👌🏾 It’s amazing how something so simple can make all the difference.” 😊

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