Today was BRUCE LEE TRAINING DAY, which means Body Balance and Body Combat with ANDRÉ GODINHO. However, depending on how my neck performed in the first class, I would decide whether to go to the second.
Verdict: The spiral twist to the right said “noooo…” 😅. So, Bruce only meditated today. Hopefully, next week he’ll be back to combat as well. 😁🤞🏾
👉🏾 Side note: There’s nothing more annoying than wanting to work out properly and having your body tell you a resounding no! 😒
Body Balance today was delightful. I loved every track!
💪🏾 The WARM-UP was flowy.
💪🏾 The SUN SALUTATIONS were sweaty.
💪🏾 The WARRIORS were challenging.
💪🏾 The BALANCE track was beautiful – I really enjoyed the half-lotus tree pose and its openings. There’s nothing more beautiful than seeing the human body conquering balance.
💪🏾 The HIP OPENERS were stretchy 😁, and the TWISTS felt like heaven 😌. My neck felt so much better! 🙏🏾
And then… the magic phrase: “FIND A COMFORTABLE POSITION.” 🥰
Meditation is such an important part of my life. It calms me down, deepens my connection to my intuition, and ALWAYS helps me find the answers I need. And today was no different.
André’s meditation was gold. ✨ Through breathwork, we renewed our energy. Then, he guided us into a cocoon, where, through a recycling process, we embraced the line of life, containing our past, present, and future. That was a beautiful reflection. 👌🏾

Even though Bruce Lee didn’t get to fight, he meditated and renewed his energy. But don’t worry – next week he’ll be throwing punches again! 😁👊🏾 💪🏾🔥
ANDRÉ’S GUIDANCE always brings the perfect balance between challenge and mindfulness. His energy and meditations make every class SPECIAL! 🙌🏾

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