One thing I wish I knew since I had my first period was to track it. Especially because it was so irregular. I was one of the “lucky ones” that had irregular, painful and with a lot of flow periods. It was awful, having to miss school, sometimes work, because the pain was unbearable and no medication would help.
When I was 13 years old I started taking the pill. It helped regulate it, but the pain and flow were the same. All I heard from doctors was: “after giving birth it will all go away”. Well, being a teenager and hearing that was not very helpful, because I always knew I would not be a mother before my 30s. I had a lot I wanted to do with my life before motherhood. I would have to stick with the pill until then.
Well, at 34 I became a mother. And the doctors were right! It all went away! No pain, much less flow and my periods became regular. I could not believe it. Bless my daughter 🙂.

This encouraged me to track my periods to see how regular they were. And yes, like clockwork.
It’s important for us, women and girls, to keep track of our menstrual cycle – it helps us stay healthy, learn more about our bodies and can help us realize when something is wrong.
I am sharing with you this free Period Tracker. You’ll be able to track pain, flow, stress level, symptoms, for each month. Just print enough pages. Or, if you prefer, just use it digitally. It’s a PDF file.

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