Intense Training Day! WOW! 🥵 Normally, I do Sprint & Grit, but today only Sprint fit in.

Upon arrival, I saw Pedro Pereiros, who greeted me in a very cheerful way. There’s something to be said about an instructor’s mood. From my experience, if they’re too enthusiastic, we’re about to suffer.😅

And how right I was! Pedro prepared a killer Sprint class for us today.

He welcomed us into the studio with a song that I absolutely LOVE: Great Spirit! 🙌🏾

Every class I take with Pedro, I learn something new or revise what I might have forgotten. Throughout the entire class, he keeps explaining techniques, and this is SO HELPFUL!👌🏾

At the beginning, Pedro told us there would be a challenge at the end. I’m all up for challenges—I couldn’t wait!💪🏾

The first track started strong. I was full of energy and gave it my best.

The best thing about today was how my body responded—the faster I pedaled, the faster I could go! Standing or not, with more or less resistance, I felt WONDERFUL! There’s nothing like pushing yourself! It feels so good to be back in shape! 💪🏾

There are two magic words that Pedro says that really fire me up: “Vá lá!” Or, in English: “Come on!” I love hearing encouragement—every little bit helps…😅 That’s the magic instructors have on us. It never fails!🤩👌🏾

Despite loving encouragement, there’s a moment in Sprint that makes me nervous: when the instructor leaves his bike and joins us. I kept an eye on where Pedro was, and as long as he was motivating other students, I was fine. That way, I could go “slower” than I should.😁

But suddenly, I saw him right in front of my bike!😱 I was so focused that I didn’t notice his movements. Well, given the situation, I had to give my best! No slacking off—not while he was in front of me!😂😅

And then, we reached the final track. And OMG! That was INTENSE!🔥 I gave everything I had! And it was AWESOME! Really… really… REALLY GOOD! What a GREAT challenge!

Sprint with Pedro Pereiros
Sprint with Pedro Pereiros

This Sprint class was INCREDIBLE. Pedro was AMAZING, on and off the bike, delivering an EXPLOSIVE class AND performance. I left the studio trembling—it took me a GOOD while to feel normal again 😅. WOW! Just WOW!👌🏾🔥

Sprint with Pedro Pereiros