⭐️ Why People Judge You Before They Know You – Understanding PREJUDICE
👉🏾 Because I’m overweight, they assume I must be lazy and love to eat. Well… I DO love to eat 😏, but I probably consume more fruits and vegetables than many people. And the lazy part? Hmm… I’d love to invite some folks to one of the intense “burpee parties” I’ve been attending lately—let’s see if they can keep up with my ‘laziness’ 😁.
👉🏾 Because I’m Black, they assume I must be uneducated, lack culture, or have multiple children. Yet, the number of languages I speak allows me to travel anywhere in the world. I’ve lost count of how many books I’ve read and documentaries I’ve watched. And kids? I have one, and I’m happy with that.
These stereotypes form before I even speak, before I share my experiences, before people see who I truly am. And that is the ESSENCE OF PREJUDICE—it replaces truth with assumption, reality with a false narrative.
Prejudice is one of the most subtle yet destructive forces in our lives. It operates in the background, shaping opinions and limiting opportunities. It’s not always loud or obvious. Often, it hides behind social norms, personal biases, and even well-intended beliefs. The most dangerous part? Many people don’t even realize they carry it.
We tend to see prejudice as something others have. But how often do we challenge our own biases? How often do we judge based on accent, background, or appearance?
Prejudice isn’t just about race or gender. People are judged by body type, career, or social status.
- Someone dedicated to fitness is “obsessed.”
- Someone taking it slow is “lazy.”
- A single mother is “too independent.”
- A stay-at-home parent is “unambitious.”
These labels create invisible barriers that hold people back.
The SOLUTION? Awareness. Reflection. Action.
It starts with questioning our own beliefs and unlearning inherited biases.
- Instead of assuming, ask.
- Instead of judging, listen.
Prejudice thrives in ignorance, but it loses its power in the presence of understanding.
Growth isn’t just about learning new things; it’s also about unlearning what limits us.
🥃 And today is… Saturday!!! Which means… ME TIME! 🤩
Last week was all about work 😒, so I didn’t get to enjoy my drink and movie.
But tonight… I’M BACK! The movie of choice? “John Wick: Chapter 2”! The first one set the bar high, and I can’t wait to see what’s next. Let’s go! 💥🔥
And what better way to enjoy it than with Carolans Irish Cream? So tasty!!! 😋👌🏾
Bye-bye! 💋
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