⭐️ Body Balance with André Godinho
I have been stubborn! I must admit it. I did it with my neck, and now with my knee.
Two weeks ago, I did something to my right knee (no idea what), and the muscles around it hurt so much that I started limping. Yet, I still went to Body Step, Grit Strength, walking, RPM, Body Step again, and even considered going to Body Balance and Body Combat today. 🤦🏾♀️😁
Well, after Body Balance, my knee said, “NOPE, not today! There’s no stretch you can give me that will make me effective in Body Combat”. So, I finally gave in. The rest of the week, I’ll take it easy so I can come back stronger.
I can’t wait for the new Les Mills choreographies—yeah… no party for me this time either. I’m not even going to comment on that! 😒

🧘🏾♀️ Well, I went to Body Balance with André Godinho. And it was BLISS!
It started with the yoga warm-up, which instantly helped with my knee pain. Without even knowing, André nailed it! 👌🏾
The more I do Body Balance, the more I love the Sun Salutations—they’re as beautiful as they are demanding!
In the strength track, I really loved the sequence: Triangle – Extended Side Angle Pose – Sun Warrior. It’s incredibly empowering and challenging because it tests both strength and flexibility at the same time!
The balance track was funny. André decided to bring in the tree pose. Did you feel the wind outside? Well, my legs definitely felt it inside the studio—I was shaking so much I could almost hear it whistle! 😁😅
The hip openers and flexibility tracks felt amazing—I really love the stretch. 👌🏾

As usual, we ended in the best way—with relaxation. Today, André shared a BEAUTIFUL insight:
“Meditation is not the absence of thought. It is the awareness of it.” So simple, yet so powerful! 🙌🏾
André guided us through breathwork, which can help us in moments of tension and struggle. It’s important to release any negativity within us, let go of external criticism, and practice kindness—both towards others and ourselves. 🙌🏾
And after this AMAZING CLASS with André, who was terrific, I’m switching to recovery mode with my wonderful tool—Les Mills+. Time to fully explore Body Balance and Stretch classes! 🧘🏾♀️

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