During my weight loss journey, what I agreed with my nutritionist, Rossana Barros, from Solinca, was that I did not intend to lose weight quickly. I wanted an Eating Plan that was consistent and at a healthy speed. For me it is important that my body (especially my brain) has time to adapt to this change, which I have decided will be forever.
I love Rossana’s guidance. Every month she makes adaptations to my Plan, according to my physical activity (which has increased) and my lifestyle. Right now, I can follow the plan without any difficulties. I love training, so it’s good to be followed by a professional and, above all, to see results. In a week we will have our 4 month’s mark appointment and I think we will be happy with the results 🙂.
I want to highlight how important it is to look for a professional. Each case is different and something as simple as basal metabolism influences our eating plan. Add to this other factors such as level of physical activity, lifestyle, physical limitations that may or may not exist, possible illnesses, among others, and it becomes very important not to copy what someone else does just because it works for them.
Ao longo do dia, consumo 5 refeições. 6 se trabalhar até muito tarde, à noite, e precisar de comer algo. São elas: o pequeno-almoço, lanche da manhã, almoço, lanche da tarde, jantar e ceia (esta última se necessário).
What I like most about this eating plan is the fact that it is a re-education, that is, I am learning how to eat. For example, 100g of chicken steak is not the same as 100g of beef steak. The dish is fuller with chicken and has less fat and calories. It may seem obvious, but these are small details that, only when we are forced to pay attention to what we eat, we learn.
Rossana lets me eat vegetables as much as I want and what a surprise it was when I saw that I could eat 3 pieces of fruit per day. Brilliant!!!! I don’t feel hungry, I have energy to workout and I can eat a very rich diet. And, best of all, when I’m menstruating I can “cheat” a little, but with some authorized foods. No, I cannot go crazy 😁. But given that light ice cream and chocolates are included, it’s cool!
Here’s an example of what I eat in a day:
Now, for all of this to work, at least for me, it requires a certain level of organization. Therefore, I decided to do Meal Prep, both for myself and my daughter. Mother gets to eat healthy, daughter does too. I just have to prepare breakfast and snacks, during the week.
Here’s an example of my week (Monday to Friday):
Here’s my daughter’s week (also from Monday to Friday):
I am very happy with my decision in taking my health seriously. Having seen the devastating effect that being overweight and poor eating habits had on my close family, I felt it was important to break this cycle and show my daughter (who is only 8 years old) how important it is to practice sport and eat well. The best way to educate our children is through example. Diets are banned here at home and no food is demonized. Balance is essential. We can eat everything. What changes is the quantity and the moment.
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