How to organize Homeschool Digital Portfolio 2022/2023

Every year, the home educator has to send to school a portfolio containing the work that the student did throughout the school year.
It is usually at the end of the year.
Now, my experience in the field of education has taught me that if we do the work little by little, it costs less than doing it all at once.
Mainly because there is so much information to record that it is preferable to organize.

Last year, I updated my daughter’s portfolio on a quarterly basis.
This year I decided to use another strategy.
Weekly will be more convenient.
Despite the more frequent work, it will be less painful over time.
I consider a digital portfolio the best solution.
It facilitates the whole process of sending it to school and the records stay forever, if you wish.

What tools will I use?

  1. 1 A4 binder;
  2. 1 big folder;
  3. the Microsoft OneNote app.

A4 Binder

My daughter is going to the 2nd grade.
I decided not to buy the textbooks chosen by the school.
I will use the Virtual School, by Porto Editora.
It is always better to have access to different textbooks, thus being able to have freedom to choose activities from various sources.

I created a tab for each subject and, depending on the activity, I print it and she does it.
When the work is done, I take a picture and send it to the next step – OneNote.
The portfolio covers are available to download here, to those who want to use them – versions Word and PDF.


Find other FREE printables here.


Note: I bought this binder on Amazon.
It’s very practical, big enough and it has a specific place for identification (front and side cover).
Here’s the link for those who might be interested:


This folder I used last year.
With cardboard, I made it, glued a picture of my daughter and called it “My Art”.

All visual art activities that don’t fit in the A4 binder, will go to this folder.
Once again, when the activity is finished, I take a photo and send it to OneNote.

Microsoft OneNote

This tool is very versatile!
I discovered OneNote when I taught distance learning at a public school.
The school used the Moodle system and the students found it limited.
In conversation with a colleague, he mentioned OneNote.
Specially because the school had a contract with Microsoft.
So I decided to research and get to know this application a little more.

And what a wonderful tool!
Students loved it as it is colorful and the possibilities are endless.
In OneNote we can create tabs for subjects and more.
We can include photos, videos, PDFs, etc.
OneNote can be used on your computer, tablet, and phone.
It is easy to access and use.
And best of all: it’s free!!!

These will be my tools for this year.
I believe that, together with the Homeschool Planner 2022/2023, managing the school year will be easier.

2024-09-08T23:26:31+00:002 Comments


  1. Rae_FairbanksMosher October 31, 2024 at 10:55 PM - Reply

    Essa prática de enviar um portfólio anual para a escola é eficaz para avaliar o desenvolvimento acadêmico e pessoal dos estudantes que são educados em casa? Será que essa exigência realmente reflete o trabalho e esforço que os educadores domiciliares dedicam ao ensino de seus filhos? Qual seria uma alternativa mais eficaz para avaliar o progresso dos alunos em homeschooling?”,

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      Suzike January 17, 2025 at 1:37 PM - Reply

      Olá! Perdoe-me a tardia resposta.

      Ótima pergunta! A prática de enviar um portfólio anual pode ser útil como uma forma de documentar o progresso académico e pessoal, mas entendo que ela nem sempre reflete plenamente o trabalho e o esforço dos educadores domiciliares. O ensino em casa é muito mais do que resultados no papel; envolve adaptação às necessidades individuais, experiências práticas e até o cultivo de valores e habilidades de vida que nem sempre são fáceis de mensurar.
      Uma alternativa mais eficaz poderia ser um sistema de avaliação mais personalizado, como entrevistas ou relatórios narrativos que permitam aos educadores domiciliares descrever o desenvolvimento das crianças de maneira mais holística. Também seria interessante incluir uma oportunidade para as crianças apresentarem seus próprios projetos e conquistas, valorizando sua autonomia e criatividade.
      Agradeço por trazer essa reflexão tão importante sobre como podemos melhorar a maneira de avaliar o progresso em homeschooling.

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Every year, the home educator has to send to school a portfolio containing the work that the student did throughout the school year.

It is usually at the end of the year. Now, my experience in the field of education has taught me that if we do the work little by little, it costs less than doing it all at once. Mainly because there is so much information to record that it is preferable to organize.

Last year, I updated my daughter’s portfolio on a quarterly basis. This year I decided to use another strategy. Weekly will be more convenient. Despite the more frequent work, it will be less painful over time.

I consider a digital portfolio the best solution. It facilitates the whole process of sending it to school and the records stay forever, if you wish.

What tools will I use?

  1. 1 A4 binder;
  2. 1 big folder;
  3. the app Microsoft OneNote.

A4 Binder

My daughter is going to the 2nd grade. I decided not to buy the textbooks chosen by the school. I will use the Virtual School, by Porto Editora. It is always better to have access to different textbooks, thus being able to have freedom to choose activities from various sources.

I created a tab for each subject and, depending on the activity, I print it and she does it. When the work is done, I take a picture and send it to the next step – OneNote.

The portfolio covers are available to download here, to those who want to use them – versions Word and PDF.


Find other FREE printables here.


Note: I bought this binder on Amazon. It’s very practical, big enough and it has a specific place for identification (front and side cover).

Here’s the link for those who might be interested:


This folder I used last year. With cardboard, I made it, glued a picture of my daughter and called it “My Art”.

All visual art activities that don’t fit in the A4 binder, will go to this folder. Once again, when the activity is finished, I take a photo and send it to OneNote.

Microsoft OneNote

This tool is very versatile! I discovered OneNote when I taught distance learning at a public school. The school used the Moodle system and the students found it limited. In conversation with a colleague, he mentioned OneNote. Specially because the school had a contract with Microsoft. So I decided to research and get to know this application a little more.

And what a wonderful tool! Students loved it as it is colorful and the possibilities are endless. In OneNote we can create tabs for subjects and more. We can include photos, videos, PDFs, etc.
OneNote can be used on your computer, tablet, and phone. It is easy to access and use. And best of all: it’s free!!!

These will be my tools for this year. I believe that, together with the Homeschool Planner 2022/2023, managing the school year will be easier.

2023-07-29T16:33:00+00:000 Comments

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