⭐️ My Inspiring Experience with Rachael Newsham at Portugal Fit
In this fitness world, I am only 1 year old. It has been a great discovery. And Rachael Newsham was, without a doubt, a big one.
The first time I heard about her was from André Godinho, one of the instructors. He spoke about Rachael with such an admiration for her work and personality, that I wanted to find out who this lady was. I decided to follow her on Instagram and, instantly, became a fan. Besides her wonderful work, Rachael speaks with her fans, through stories, about subjects that really resonate with me.
With that in mind, I bought the ticket for the Intensive Workout Body Combat with her.
The beginning was amazing! After her enthusiastic entrance, we, in small groups, warmed up. It was really a clever and funny idea, to make us come up with the exercises, one by one. Immediately I started thinking: “OMG! Think Suzike! Which exercise? Oh no! She chose the one I thought about. Quick! Another one!” 😁 It was funny! I loved it!
Then Rachael explained to us, in detail, how some of the movements, from the Body Combat 100, are done. And this was amazing. I could really understand things like the importance of the core, balance, kicks, shoulder movements, etc.
After that, we sat down and asked Rachael some questions. Being able to engage with her and get to know her a little bit better was awesome!
Approaching the end, Rachael told us that we shouldn’t let anything come between us and our dreams. She gave her example: when she was learning how to surf.
It was at that moment that I decided to ask her something that I really needed to know (and with her experience in the field, she would be the perfect person to answer): “What about AGE to become an instructor?” (If this could be an obstacle). I was glad when she told me: “No! There is no age limit.”
She also told us that we only have one life. We should follow our dreams. Talk about inspiring and motivating people. 🙌🏾
I left thinking that the best thing I could have done was buying that ticket. In addition to being an incredible professional, Rachael is an amazing person, who loves to dance 🤩, is funny, a big thinker and is eager to learn. We can see that by her amazing foreign vocabulary. As a language teacher, I was VERY IMPRESSED! It was a pleasure to know her.
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