⭐️ SEN Homeschoolers in Portugal Now Exempt from Exams

If your child is homeschooled in Portugal under the national system and has special educational needs, there’s an important update you should know.

🧠 What Changed?

A new law now states that students with special educational needs (as defined by the Decree-Law No. 54/2018) are exempt from taking national exams at the end of each cycle:

  • 4th year (end of 1st cycle)
  • 6th year (end of 2nd cycle)
  • 9th year (end of 3rd cycle)
  • 12th year (end of secondary school)

Previously, homeschoolers were required to take exams at the end of each of these cycles to stay compliant with national regulations. Now, if the child has an official Relatório Técnico-Pedagógico (RTP) and an Individual Educational Plan (PEI) approved by the school, they are no longer required to sit these exams.

This brings equity between children in regular schooling and those in homeschooling.

📝 What Do Families Need to Do?

  • Ensure your child is registered in a school under the homeschooling regime.
  • Work with the school to update or issue the child’s RTP and PEI.
  • Confirm the school acknowledges the exemption and documents it officially.

This is especially helpful for children with:

  • Cognitive delays
  • Developmental disorders
  • Language and communication challenges
  • Other formally recognized learning difficulties

🌍 What If You’re Homeschooling Through an International Online School?

If your child is not enrolled in the Portuguese education system (e.g. studying through Clonlara, Wolsey Hall, King’s InterHigh, etc.), this change does not apply — because they are not required to take Portuguese national exams in the first place.

However, if at any point you decide to reintegrate your child into the Portuguese system, and your child has special needs:

  • You can request the exemption.
  • The public school will review your child’s educational background.
  • A Relatório Técnico-Pedagógico (RTP) will be issued.
  • The exemption may be granted from the moment your child is integrated into the system.

💬 Final Note

This is a significant win for homeschooling families of children with special needs. It ensures that assessments are fair and realistic, and that learning progress is acknowledged in ways that support each child’s development.

Always keep documentation updated and stay in regular contact with your school for the latest procedures.

If you’re following an international path, make sure to maintain records and transcripts from your chosen program. For more legal homeschooling paths in Portugal, check out our guide: How to Homeschool in Portugal Without Following the Portuguese Curriculum